Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Searching Within Nook Tablet Book

Sometimes you want to search some word or phrase but couldn’t find it because the of unawareness of tools that you can use for searching the world. We will tell you the steps that will guide in searching process.

In most of the Nook tablets e-books searching a word for a word or phrase is quite easy. If you are using a file of public domain that is just a picture page than the searching is next to impossible. There is a function namely find function that searches through the words and phrases. Nook Customer Service assistance can also be taken.

Here are the steps that you can follow when you want to find any word or phrase:

  • In Reading tools menu click on the Find button.
  • Tap on the previous query or add the new one.
  • Tap on Done.
You can narrow or widen your searches. You can also select most of the places to look for a file individually. If you want to protect your privacy to some, then you can clear the history of previous searches. You can log on to Www nook com account for more information or details.

When you use quick navigation bar, then search tools looks in your Nook library. If you are connected to Barnes and Noble Online Bookstore via Wi-Fi, then it will look for the titles online shop. Which area to be included or excluded depends upon your choice.

If you want to change the place for searching where your Nook tablet will look, then follow these steps and you can also this assistance at Nook Com Support :
  • Go to the screen of Searchable item.
  • Press the navigation button to display the quick navigation bar.
  • Click on Settings button.
  • On the Settings screen click on search in App Settings section. The Search Settings screen will be displayed.
  • Now click on the searchable items. A checkbox will be displayed showing all the areas that you can search along with the library and the shop that will be greyed out as you can’t remove them.
So, these were the steps that you can follow if you want to search any word or phrase and even you can decide the area where you must search. Nook Help will guide you these steps if misses out any of them.

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Fixing Nook Tablet Wireless Issues

Are you a Nook Tablet user and having some problems related to network connection? Don’t worry we will help in knowing the causes and their solution that will help you in solving your problem. You can also take help from Nook help in solving this issue.

If you are having a problem with your wireless network with your Nook Tablet, then it may be the issue of Wi-Fi or it may be the issue related to your tablet’s connection with the Wi-Fi signals.
If you are using your own Wi-Fi connection, then here are the ways to check if it is the problem with the connection:

•   Check whether the Wi-Fi router is connected to the internet or powered up?

•   Does your laptop or PC be able to see or communicate with the adapter?

•   Is the internet service in working order? You can check this from your PC or laptop.

Now check the configuration of internet connection with your PC by troubleshooting it. Additionally, each wireless device has a setup screen and a built-in configuration, that you can access from your laptop or PC. These may be the possible solutions:

•   Reboot your Nook Tablet.

•  Restart the power of your router by pressing it for 10 seconds. This may help in fixing the problem that may have been cropped up in router’s internal memory.

•   Now check the network administrator to see the whitelist of devices special entered and blacklist of the devices that have been blocked for that particular system if trying to connect with a secured connection. There might also be need of providing Nook tablet’s MAC address which is actually its unique identifier. To find your Nook tablet’s MAC address go to Settings > Device Info > About your NOOK. This will be the MAC address of your Nook tablet.

•   If nothing works then take help from Nook Customer Service.

A Wireless Network is There but Not a Good Connection

Wi-Fi networks cover a very small area and sometimes it becomes difficult to determine the actual working area of the Wi-Fi system that you are using. Follow these steps that may help you in knowing the actual working area of the Wi-Fi network or you can use Nook Support for getting connect to your network;

•   Click on the network that you want to connect and then click on the forget command. This command will erase the previous connection settings. Then click on the name of the Wi-Fi network from which you want to connect and see whether it’s working or not.

•   In Wireless section, go to Settings > the name of the network discovered by Nook. Now check out the signal strength for the network at the right side of each name. It will be in 1 to 4 stacked curves. 4 lines mean strong signal strength and 1 line means week signal that may fade in or out.

•  Now take your Nook tablet near to transmitter or Wi-Fi router. You have to ensure that no major metal pieces come in way to block the signal like steel desk, file cabinets or refrigerators. Sometimes signals are blocked by steel mesh in the walls.

Unable to Connect to Network Despite Being Seeing It

Most of the wireless networks use a security system so as to keep away the undesirable outsiders from using them. Usually, a key or a password is required and sometimes username is also needed for connecting to a network. Then you have to enter the key exactly like if the key is 5jHTYmo789JKne, then you have to enter as it is.

If you are using your wireless network at home or at the workplace and unable to connect with it with all your devices, then you must reset your Wi-Fi router to its default factory settings and reconfigure it with all the devices that are ready to be connected with the network. You can consult the instruction manual or take help from Nook Com Support.

The Nook tablet currently doesn’t support voice over internet service like Skype and Barnes & Noble has confirmed that it won’t also as it fully wants to concentrate on writing and reading.

Monday, January 2, 2017

How can you synchronize your Nook on your iPad?

Reading the diverse range of books on the nook is one of the key quality of nook. You can grab the diverse editions of books on the compatible e-reading tablet. And if you got an iPad on your side, then things would be better to experience, as reading any favourite edition on nook app through iPad will gives an amazing e-reading vibe. With Nook support, you can get the proper assistance regarding any kind of issue. Besides this, if you have nook app on iPad, then you should know the way to synchronize your nook to your iPad.

How is it going with the company of your friendly Nook tablets? It’s been a long time when the e-reading tablet put its first step in the e-reading gadgets market. With its step in the e-reading market, Nook proved its ability to give you the better e-reading experience with its compact size. Barnes and Noble, who got tons of books on their side navigate to add the superlative collection of books in their Nook tablet. You can check out the diverse collection of books on www Nook com with the brief, price and special offers regarding the book. This is the reason that makes the e-reading device to capture a decent market amongst the potential e-readers in the market. With the add up fans, Nook head on to release the different versions of the tablet to grab the attention of all the other e-readers in the world. With fascinating features and services, Nook is still adding many new e-readers in the market. If there is any new e-reader, who want to get started with the device, they can head to www Nook Com Account to create their account and kick starts their e-reading experience.

The experience of reading your favorite edition can get better when you have the Nook app on your side. And if you got the app on your iPad, then it would be a great thing for all the Nook and iPad users. The experience of reading the nook books through the Nook app on iPad is one of the finest things which you will adore while reading your favorite edition. Accessing the Nook app on your iPad enable you to get the entire Nook e-library wherever you take the Apple device with you. The nook application actually works with the Nook server to organize the library across multiple platforms. Well, if you get any kind of error with your Nook server, then you can head to Nook Com Support for getting better assistance and solutions. So, all the iPad user and nook user, pay your attention to know the simple way to synchronize the nook app on iPad.

  1. The foremost thing which you need to do is to unlock the nook app on your iPad home screen.
  2. The second thing which you need to do is to enter your password and e-mail if in case it appears on the screen. With Nook help,  you can also recover your email id and password registered with your nook.
  3. Wait for some time as the screen takes some time to get loaded fully. After loading, you will see your nook library page.
  4. Now Click the “Sync” symbol, which you can get it on the upper right of the page.
  5. After some time, the Sync symbol will turn into a circular icon, while synching, and when the sync completes, it gets turns into its original normal shape. If you still counter any kind of technical barrier while following these steps, then you can also dial Nook Customer Service to get quick solutions to your problems with better assistance.